For the Love of Chickens

I never wanted chickens. I grew up around them on my grandparents’ farm. They were nice enough, but nothing special. They have beady eyes. They peck. They make strange noises.

            But then, we moved to a farm (a HORSE farm, not a chicken farm) and COVID struck the world. Groceries in Michigan were hit and miss last spring, and sometimes it was hard to find eggs. It started to seem like getting some chickens was a good idea.

            I started looking at chicken coops, and that’s when it got out of hand.

Have you seen the houses for these creatures? They’re adorable! It seems that chickens are a “thing” right now. Everybody wants them. And everybody is planning their cute little coops, with white siding, green shutters, and farmhouse appeal. Nothing but the best for chickens.

            At first I thought I could build my own. I mean, why not? But wood this summer was REALLY expensive due to COVID, so we decided to put them in the already-built barn. After all, we had three big box stalls, and at the time, no actual horses.

I researched chickens and chose Australorps, because they are winter-hardy and don’t usually get “broody.” Nobody wants a broody chicken. My son and I went to Tractor Supply and picked out ten baby chicks. Now let me tell you, there’s nothing cuter than a baby chick. They’re so soft and cuddly! We put them in a big Rubbermaid tub in the bathroom, in the people bathtub. A tub in a tub.

            And they imprinted on us.

And I feel in love with them! Now, I’m a chicken-whisperer, a collector of feathered friends, a keeper of the flock. They’ve clucked their way into my heart.

It’s soooo cool. The chickens absolutely love us, and talk to us in their little coos and drawls. I had no idea they had such character. Ruby loves to talk, and will carry on an entire conversation in her chicken-voice. Yngwie follows us around and asks for hand-picked clover. Ambrose is shy and afraid to come out of the coop unless everybody else goes first.

            They’re awesome. And they’re easy! After having cats, dogs, horses, and an assortment of rodents, amphibians, fish and birds, I have to say, chickens are the easiest animal I’ve ever had.

            When I go out to feed in the morning, I call “Hi girls!” and ten pair of beady eyes turn towards me. And they get excited. They RUSH to see me.

            It’s chicken love.

            This farm life is pretty fun. But check in with me again in another day or two, and I’ll tell you how much I love to go out in the -20 degree snowy weather early in the morning to feed them…

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