A Matter of Trust

Google’s dictionary defines trust as the “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Trust is something most of us struggle with daily. Whether it’s trusting our boss for job security, a relationship we’re in, a doctor who is caring for us, or the driver behind us, we have to put our trust in others every day. Whether we want to or not.

In my new book, Trusting the Cat Burglar, the book begins with Abigail trusting Tony completely. She still struggles with the tragic death of her first love, Nick, but after six years of grieving, she has finally allowed herself to love again. Then, when Tony’s dark past comes to light, he makes some choices that leave her questioning if she can really trust him, or if she will be hurt again.

Abigail squeezed Pauline’s hand and then pulled hers away. She went back to her soup, stirring it to cool it off some more. “But I can’t trust him, Pauline.”

“But you can trust God.”

The words were so simple, so true, that Abigail had to repeat them over to herself in her head. I can trust God.

“No matter what our circumstances are, no matter how crazy our life is, God is still in charge.”

The last thing Abigail wants is to be hurt again, and she struggles about whether or not her relationship is worth the risk. Then Pauline reminds her that “Love doesn’t come cheap, Abigail. There’s always a price. Usually, it’s worth it.”

Sometimes we have to remember Who is in charge. While we might not be able to trust the driver of the bus we’re on, or the husband who comes home late too many nights after “work,” there is Someone whom we can trust. He won’t let us down.

This book is a fun romp with a serious theme. Pick up a copy of Trusting the Cat Burglar and find out how (and if) Abigail and Tony can work through their relationship while facing danger, mystery, and adventure.

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