My Bucket List
Things I've done:
- Be a foster mom
- Raise two incredible boys (still in the process)
- Go on a treasure hunt
- Ride a roller coaster
- See Harry Potter: The Cursed Child on Broadway
- Visit the Vatican
- Spend the night on a train in a sleeper car
- Foster kittens for the Humane Society
- Rescue a horse
- Do Paris!
- Visit Switzerland and see the Alps
- Go to Rome
- See a castle in Germany
- Eat at an authentic Mexican market
- Snorkel a coral reef
- Become a Christian speaker
- Teach writing
- Work hard to become a bestselling author
- Live on a horse farm
- Backpack through Europe
Still to do:
- Take my parents to Europe, especially to Tuscany
- Take my kids to Europe
- Visit Australia
- Rebuild an old, classic car
- Write a movie or television script
- Go out west and see the Grand Canyon
- Star yet another new business (I have the entrepreneurial bug!)